Everyone should have such a pain point. When eating with the goddess/goddess, accidentally soiled the clothes, it was a big capital... A clothing technology company from Australia called Thereadmiths has developed a garment that resists water and stains! A variety of ketchups and red wines can't be invaded~ You can see that red wine and ketchup roll off the clothes like beads. The water is completely clean, and there is no trace! Threadsmiths uses nanotechnology to reprogram cotton fibers to make cotton fibers waterproof. This dress is also free of aerosols or other groups of harmful chemical components, in addition to waterproof and stain-resistant, is the same as our ordinary clothes. You can buy this magical dress on the official website of threadsmiths. Women's styles are relatively small, only round neck T-shirts can be chosen, black and white three colors, priced at 39 dollars. There are more choices for men. In addition to T-shirts, There is also a Polo shirt called The Game series. There is also a shirt called The Grind series. There are still hats and ties. However, the design value is still relatively general. If the design is more joyful in the future, there will be more users paying for it! Put on waterproof, stain-resistant clothes and go out for waves, waves, waves~ However, this dress will lose its effect when it is washed intelligently for 80 times... Well, it is still not enough! Men'S Ankle Socks,Basketball Sports Socks,Ankle Socks,Sports Socks Jiangsu Qianlima Stockings Co., Ltd , https://www.qlmsocks.com