This can be healthy and tall with high heels

This site on May 22 hearing, like to wear high heels? If you wear too much, you will have a sore foot and backache? Experts teach you to wear high heels so that you are both healthy and tall!

1, if you wear 4-6 cm high heels

Physical problems: Health experts at Harvard University in the United States have found that wearing high heels with 4-6 cm is most helpful for weight loss. This high level of shoes can effectively consume the metabolic rate of fat in the waist and abdomen and make your lower abdomen flat and sexy! But often wearing 4-6 cm high heels, the biggest problem is that it will make your back pressure increases, resulting in a sense of soreness.

Solution: It is recommended that you change your soft mattress while you sleep and reduce back pressure. In addition, when the back muscles are stiff, the coldness is more likely to invade the bladder through the back and you will feel cold hands and feet, and the immunity will be reduced. Experts suggest that you do not wear a halter, so as not to catch cold on the back!

2, if you wear 6-8 cm high heels

Physical problems: When the height of your heels rises to 6-8 cm, your body's center of gravity will naturally move up when you walk. A study found that if you wear 7cm high heels for 2 hours, the neck stiffness will increase by 22%, health experts usually do not recommend long-term face of the computer OL wear 6-8 cm high heels, this will only make your neck Getting tired!

Solution: It is recommended that you take off your shoes every time you wear 2 hours of high-heeled shoes, allow your feet to rest for 15 minutes, and do some moderate foot massage. Focus on the first 1/3 of the soles of the feet that can relieve muscle tension. Yongquan. In addition, if your heel height is between 6-8 cm, do not wear a heavy necklace to avoid overstressing your neck.

3, if you wear more than 8 cm high heels

Physical problems: The heel is more than 8 centimeters. Your body's center of gravity will continue to move while you walk. A medical expert at Temple University in the United States has found that women who wear more than 8 centimeters of high heels often have neurological headaches and eye pain. The retina pressure will be 25% higher than the average.

Solution: If you really like this feeling of superiority, I suggest you must eat more green vegetables rich in vitamin A, to provide adequate nourishment for the retina, so as to avoid sudden loss of vision after work. In addition, do not wear contact lenses while wearing high-heeled shoes, so as to avoid neuropathic eye pain.

4, if you wear a pointed high heels

Physical problems: A pair of slim pointed high heels can really add a lot of femininity to you, but health experts at the University of New England in Australia point out that often wearing pointed and high heels can make women lose their sense of balance and the possibility of motion sickness and motion sickness Greatly increased.

Solution: If you wear more than 3 times a week with pointed high heels, I suggest you do 1-2 times a day for health experts recommended "finger exercises", it can effectively improve the concentration of cerebellar nerve cells, so you have a strong Balance ability.

"Finger exercises" method:

Both hands forcefully confront each other, when the left hand up and right hand, the left palm finger joint holds the right finger, the right finger remains straight for 5-6 seconds; Similarly, when the right hand rubs up his left hand, the right palm finger joint holds the left finger , Keep your right hand straight for 5-6 seconds. In accordance with this action, repeat the palm curling 30 times and do it every morning and evening.

5. If you wear square heel or wedge heels

Physical problems: Square heels and wedge heels have relatively small health effects, and they help the body to maintain a certain level of balance that will not cause you to feel dizzy due to heavy work. Heel and slope heel high-heavy, will bring greater pressure on the foot, often wearing, will make you lower extremity edema, fat!

Solution: It is recommended that you beat the meridians in the legs, focus on the biliary tract located on the lateral side of the thigh and the bladder on the calf, and beat 2-3 times a day until you reach a slight pain and sweat. Frequently tapping the meridians in your legs can speed up the metabolism of lower limb fats and help you discharge toxins from your legs!

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